Personal Data Security Settings
To display:
- [Utility]
- [Administrator]
- [Security]
- [Security Details]
- [Personal Data Security Settings]
Specify whether to hide personal information, such as destination and file name, in [Active] and [Log] in the [Job List] screen.
Setting | Description |
[Job History] | Configure settings to display personal information of the job history screen. [Job History]: When hiding personal information on the job history screen, set this option to ON (default: OFF (without user authentication/account track), ON (with user authentication/account track)).
[Public User], [User Authentication], [Account Authentication]: Select how to display items you specified in [Display Settings] for each user or account. [Mode 1]: Hide all display items. [Mode 2]: Hide only display items other than for login user/login account. [Mode 3]: Hide only display items other than for a public user, login user/public user, and login account. [Mode 4]: Show all display items.
[Current Job] | Configure settings to display personal information of the active job screen. [Current Job]: When hiding personal information on the active job screen, set this option to ON (default: OFF (without user authentication/account track), ON (with user authentication/account track)).
[Public User], [User Authentication], [Account Authentication]: Select how to display items you specified in [Display Settings] for each user or account. [Mode 1]: Hide all display items. [Mode 2]: Hide only display items other than for login user/login account. [Mode 3]: Hide only display items other than for a public user, login user/public user, and login account. [Mode 4]: Show all display items.