HomeDescriptions of Functions / Utility KeysReport Settings

Report Settings

To display:
  • [Utility]
    • [Administrator]
      • [Fax Settings]
        • [Report Settings]

Specify the conditions for printing fax-related reports.



[TX Result Report]

Select when to print a report containing the results of fax transmission (default: [If TX Fails]).

  • [ON]: The report is printed every time a fax has been sent.

  • [If TX Fails]: The report is printed if a fax transmission has failed.

  • [OFF]: The report is not printed.

[Tx Result Report Print Confirmation Screen]

Select whether to display a screen that asks if you want to print a TX Result Report each time a fax is sent (default: [OFF]).

[Sequential TX Report]

When printing a report containing results of faxes sent by polling and broadcast, select [ON] (default: [ON]).

[Broadcast Result Report]

Select whether to combine results of broadcast on all destinations involved or list them for each destination (default: [All Destinations]).

[Bulletin TX Report]

When printing a report containing records of faxes registered with the bulletin for being received by polling, select [ON] (default: [ON]).

[Relay TX Result Report]

When printing a report containing results of faxes sent by relay distribution, select [ON] (default: [ON]).

[Tx Result Report Print Settings]

Select the method to output a TX result report (TX result report, broadcast result report, polling TX result report, replay TX result report, or bulletin board polling TX result report) (default: [Print]).

  • [Print]: Prints a TX result report on this machine.

  • [E-mail Notification]: Sends a TX result report to any destination by E-mail. E-mail settings are required in advance.

If [E-mail Notification] is selected, configure the following items.

  • [Notification Address]: Enter the E-mail address of the destination (using up to 320 characters, excluding spaces).

  • [Notification Address Priority Setting]: Select a notification destination when User Authentication is enabled (default: [Notification Address]). Selecting [User Address] issues a notification to the E-mail address of the user who logs in to this machine and sends a fax. If the user's E-mail address is not registered, a notification is issued to the destinations registered in [Notification Address]. If [Notification Address] is selected, a notification is always issued to the destination registered in [Notification Address].

  • [Report File Attachment]: Select whether to convert a TX result report to a file and attach it to an E-mail (default: [Attach]).

  • [Report Image Setting]: Select whether to display the first page of the sent original on a TX result report (default: [With image]).

  • [Report File Format]: Select the file type to attach a TX result report to an E-mail (default: [PDF]).

[Activity Report]

Select the timing to print an activity report (default: [Every 100 Comm.]).

  • [OFF]: Does not print an activity report.

  • [Daily]: Prints an activity report at the time specified in [Output Time Settings] every day.

  • [Every 100 Comm.]: Prints an activity report every 100 communications.

  • [100/Daily]: Prints an activity report at the time specified in [Output Time Settings] every day. In addition, a report is printed every 100 communications.

[Relay Request Report]

When printing a report when receiving a fax as a relay station, select [ON] (default: [ON]).

[PC-Fax TX Error Report]

To print a report when PC-Fax TX using the fax driver has failed, select [ON] (default: [OFF]).

[Timer Reservation TX Report]

When printing a report when transmission is reserved using the Timer TX function, select [ON] (default: [ON]).

[Confidential Rx Report]

When printing a report containing results of a confidential receiving fax, select [ON] (default: [ON]).

[Remark Column Print Setup]

Specify whether to print user or account name in the remarks column of the activity report if user authentication or account track is enabled on this machine (default: [Normal Printing]).

  • [Normal Printing]: The line status or sending setting will be printed.

  • [User Name Printing]: The user name for user authentication will be printed.

  • [Account Name Printing]: The account name for user authentication will be printed.

[Network Fax RX Error Report]

To print a report when the machine has failed to receive an Internet fax or IP address fax, select [ON] (default: [ON]).

[Print Job Number]

Select [ON] to display a job number on a report to be printed (default: [OFF]).

The following reports are targeted for this processing.

  • Activity Report

  • TX Report

  • RX Report

  • TX Result Report

  • Broadcast Result Report

[MDN Message]

When printing a report notifying that an Internet fax has been sent to the recipient machine, select [ON] (default: [ON]).

[DSN Message]

When printing a report notifying that an Internet fax has been sent to the mail server of the recipient machine, select [ON] (default: [OFF]).

[Print E-mail Message Body]

Select whether to print a report notifying that an Internet fax has been successfully received after it was received (default: [Print]).

The report has the subject and message body of an Internet fax.

[Legend display Settings]

Select [ON] to display an explanatory note on a report to be printed (default: [ON]).

If an explanatory note is omitted, the image of the sent original can be displayed on a larger area.